CAMP products epitomise lightness and performance, along the lines of the “light and fast” motto of contemporary alpinism. With its 125 year-long history of work and passion, faithful to its roots and open to a global contest, CAMP is now led by the fourth generation of the Codega family. For this reason, too, this is a matchless company, true to the authentic mountain culture forged amid tradition and innovation. Their mission is to conceptualize, design, manufacture and distribute outstanding technical gear for climbers, alpinists, ski mountaineers, mountain runners, mountain enthusiasts and professional workers at height around the world. Innovation through Research & Development is the keystone of what they do: innovative gear not only keeps us safe, it also increases our chances for success and enjoyment in the mountains. To this end, CAMP infuse the concept of lightweight into every one of their designs. Trimming weight is one thing they can do with any piece of equipment to enhance the climber’s experience. Therefore the ultimate desire is that their lightweight designs inspire climbers to climb to their next level. All together this is the heritage of CAMP and it will always be their future.