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Gloves of highest quality - that's what Hestra stands for. The Swedish brand decided in 1938 to develop gloves for a wide range of conditions and requirements. Skiing, hunting, mountaineering, biking or leisurely strolling through the city - Hestra has the right pair of gloves for every activity. The success story began back in the small Swedish village Hestra with a functional glove for the local lumberjacks. In the meantime, the unique products are appreciated by top athletes around the globe. The family business is run by the Magnussons. Niklas and Anton Magnusson are among the approximately 100 master glove makers worldwide. As a result, Hestra ensures that the raw leather is carefully selected for moisture resistance, texture and resilience, and that each glove is finely handcrafted. The durability of the products, the high level of quality and the passion behind each product give Hestra cult status.